Monday, April 12, 2010

"Every day is a new battle"

"We constantly have to struggle to be better than we were yesterday, to test and overcome the limits of our body, mind and spirit is what creates a true champion of life." more
While browsing today I found something that I've been struggling with daily.  "Every day is a new battle." It seems like daily I find something new to overcome, a new goal I want to push towards, a temptation that just won't go away, a reason to stop.   Obviously we do continue and we make every day count.  But what keeps us motivated?

For me it's been the inspiration from the people around me and the intrinsic value that the sport brings.  The belief that those around you believe that you can do it, you deserve to win and will do everything in their power to encourage you to perserver.  It's not my style to give up or give in.  I may break down in an emotional frenzy over one more pullup or a cupcake I just can't have.  But everyday I train I know it's worth it.  I believe in myself that I can be the best and need to train like the best. 

As my coach loves to remind me, every day there is someone out there training for 1st place.  Everyday there is someone out there that may want it more than me.  Don't give in.  Don't give up.  If you do, that person is right behind you ready to take what you want.  I don't say this in a bad way - just like in any sport -you slow down and someone behind you will try to dig deeper.  Be the one to dig deeper, be the one to keep taking it one day at a time.  Make yourself better with each stride, each rep, each exercise and you will get there - you get your time!

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