Friday, April 30, 2010

Eat to Live - Ellen Coleman, MA, MPH, RD, CSSD

I spent my lunch hour today with an interesting presentation by Ellen Coleman.  Ellen Coleman, author of "Eating for Endurance" and "Ultimate Sports Nutrition", had some good tips to remember when taking a look at your diet.  She noted the extreme importance of having significant amounts of exercise to maintain our health.  At minimum 30 minutes per day on "most days" which she states is 5 days per week. 
She stated that as we age, in order to maintain our weight we need to do approximately 60-90 minutes per day on an average of 5 days! 
Additionally, she stressed the importance of having a daily food log of what you are eating and the portions that you are eating.  A good rule of thumb to keep you on track is to go for nutrient dense food.
Keep your plate colorful and increase the fiber and/or protein to give you satiety. Go for the actual fruit instead of the fruit in juice because of the increase in fiber to give you a sense of fullness.
The benefit of being a competitive athlete is that you have more "discretionary calories", where as most of us only have about 100-300 calories an athlete can choose to have the ice cream or Starbucks frap without hesitation.

Although a lot of this is second nature to me, I couldn't help but look around the room to those in attendance and see the "ah ha" moments that were being created.  If you're not sure if you should have something, ask yourself.  Be real.  You most likely know if what you are having is really necessary or if you are just eating it for a fix or because of convenience.  If something would have more than 2-3 ingredients total in it's food label, it probably is not a great choice and you can do better.  Not to mention the 1 or 2nd ingredient should always be the food that you are hoping to consume!  If it's something else, it's processed so try again.
Eat to live, don't live to eat. 
Enjoy yourself but there is no need to plan your life around when you will be consuming your next meal - only exception would be a bodybuilder who is trying to increase their size and eat around the clock to maintain size.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Everyone has their sport - what's yours?

Ironman - You Will Do This

Some wonder why we do things and can't understand the drive. Others say that they're impossible. But with true drive and passion you can do it and will do it. There's only a small question of how will I get this done? Where should I start? Why would you let that stop you?

As Dwight Howard says, "To be the best you have to train like the best"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dwight Howard Superman's Workout

Take a look at the differences in the workouts done by NBA Star- Dwight Howard vs. your traditional bodybuilding professional.  Completely different body styles with different needs - both exercises have achieve amazing results and are considered some of the best in their fields.

Interesting to note:
  • Range of motion exercises in Howard's workouts vs. Cutler's
  • Emphasis on core work with Howard, Cutler's core comes from spine stability in exercises
  • Unilateral movement in both workouts, however Howard emphasizes a lot more balancing activities
  • Howard works with KETTLEBELLS!
  • Cutler eats Bison
Both workout to be the best and according to Howard "fill out their t-shirts"!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jay Cutler training for Olympia 2010

What does this dude do to get so big (294 lbs)?!  Take a look at Jay's meal and workout log yesterday...

09:30 AM Meal 1:   20 eggwhites with 1 yolk and 2 servings of grits with almonds and raisins

10:00 AM Pre-workout: 1 serving of Nano Vapor
10:30 AM Workout:  Sip Intravol during the workout

Rope pushdowns
Reverse pushdowns
Hammer strength dip machine
Hammer strength tricep extension machine
Overhead cable tricep extensions
Seated alternate dumbell curls
One arm dumbell preacher curls
Spider curls
Hammer strength overhead curl machine
Standing barbell curls
Reverse curls
Wrist curls

20 minutes of stair climbing

12:30 AM Meal 2:  12 oz steak with 1 1/2 cups of white rice and onions

3:00 PM Meal 3: 12 oz Eat to Grow chicken breast with 8 oz red potatoes

5:00 PM Meal 4:  12 oz Eat to Grow ground bison with pasta

7:30 PM Meal 5: 12 oz Eat to Grow chicken breast with 8 oz red potatoes and some almonds

10:00 PM Meal 6: 12 oz Eat to Grow chicken breast with 1 1/2 cups of white rice

11:55 PM Meal 7: 12 oz Eat to Grow filet with 8 oz red potatoes

Paleo Recipes

Truthfully, I modify the paleo diet to suit my fitness goals and body, but the true paleolithic diet stays true to the idea that your body does not function to it's true potential unless you take it back to the basics. 
"The Paleo Diet is a way of eating in the modern age that best mimics diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors - combinations of lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts."
True "paleo" recipes from the man himself, Professor Loren Cordain.  A good start with some basic recipes to get you started.  Simple to make and relatively inexpensive to prepare and put on the dinner plate :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Daily laugh

Anyone else have these feelings?!   Or is it just me...haha.

What is it that you guys would like to see? Questions that you have?
I'd love to make this as relevant as possible, so if you'd like to see more info on workouts, nutrition, fun facts, etc. LET ME KNOW! =)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Results are in!!

So the big day came and went faster than I really realized it would.  Husband Brandon, Mom, Dad, Andrea, Punky, Lindsey and more, were all close at hand to yell "Go 21!" to anyone that could hear. 

Thanks to all the support I received from my team over at SoCal Strength and Conditioning - Coaches Max and Gillian; perfect makeup and hair by Briana Nickas and posing help from the lovely Nancy Georges, it was a perfect day!
Result:  1st place for Class A - Orange County Muscle Classic 2010
Briana and I preshow

The feeling was amazing, better than I thought it would be.  My first win and it was just as I visualized and the rush waiting backstage for all of the winners to be announce from each class was unreal.  I was so happy to not only meet all of these new girls, but to go against the best was such an honor.  The competition was tough and all the girls were in phenomenal shape.  It was amazing how well everyone dieted this year - ABS were this shows hot ticket item! 

Jay Cutler, our guest poser, got the crowd excited with his dramatic presentation and crowd involvement.  He was there picking up babies, taking fan pictures, and just all around WOWING with his 300lb self...haha!

I can now reflect on the enormous amount of pride I felt with that win in the SAME figure show where I first started in 2008 at 6th place.  Every year you make changes, every year you push harder, every year you want first more.  Now that I received my first top finish, it is that feeling that keeps me going to compete in July. 

With every competition it gets harder, diet needs to be on point, improvement is earned.  I look forward to taking a little bit of a break from figure to help "carry the flag" for my gym Crossfit Balboa in the Crossfit Affilate Cup in May and then back to the strict programming for figure pros in July!  Tough competition to come!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Presentation Quarter Turns: Figure

Sadly, I've been the "announcer" lately -->  currently working on the POP to make the judge say "Ohhh look at that...  Ohhhh..."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crossfit Affiliate Cup 2010 - May 8 & 9 (UC Irvine)

CrossFit Movie WorkingTrailer "Every Second Counts" featuring good 'ol John Welbourn, Dutch, and some other familiar faces...

Just entering for my team in the Crossfit Affiliate Cup 2010. What am I getting myself in to?!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pro tan application AKA "painting" begins TONIGHT!!

Great workout yesterday - my glutes and upper traps are really starting to get sore!  For my husband, his most loved job begins TONIGHT!   Haha. 

"Painting" begins tonight after class - each day one new application to get me to my competiton color.  It's crazy and somewhat painful, but well worth it! 

6AM workout: Crossfit heaven <3 ~
3 rounds: 10 pushups, 10 chinups, 1 minute handstand holds, 12- 1 arm KB swing (12kg)
Superset (on swiss ball): 1 arm DB fly (12lb), hip extension (15), situps (25)  x 3 sets
Reverse walking lunges

Today's food:
Egg whites, blueberries, sole fillets, green beans, chicken, strawberries --
water, coffee, green tea

Typical Day for Figure Athlete

Busy day yesterday-

7:00am - Wake - breakfast 3/4 cup egg whites 1 oz turkey (preworkout)
8:30am - Gym (total body)

*unless noted 3sets x 12
- Burgener warm up + DL & RDL
- kipping pull ups (3 sets x 10)
- HSH (handstand holds)
- one arm DB row (25lbs)
- DB pullovers (25 lbs)
- Bench hops (jump over bench - side to side)
 - lateral stepups
- bench step ups
- Barbell squats (below parallel)
- Supinated pullups 
- Weighted lunges (15lb db)
 - diagonal reverse lunges  (1 set x 15 ea.side)
- jumping lunges (2sets x 10 ea. leg)

10:00 am - Tanning and grab protein shake (post workout)
11:30 am - Modified lunch - tuna and lo carb tortilla
1:00 pm - Posing clinic with Nancy Georges!
3:30 pm - snack: 4 oz chicken breast, 2 oz rappani with garlic and EVOO
4:30 pm - Shopping for week's food
6:00 pm - Dinner: 5 oz chicken, 2 oz steak, 1/2 cup french green beans
10:30 pm - Pre-sleep Casien protein shake

Total cals: 1111, 26.5g fat, 38g carbs, 178.5g protein

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hardest Critic is Yourself

I've been realizing lately that your hardest critic isn't a coach or the others that may judge you.  It's actually yourself.  In that last week I've gone through just about every emotion over my body image.  I look too big, too small, don't feel ready, maybe I should do this or not that.

Literally, my mind turned into someone with a disorder - where I looked in the mirror and thought "Hmm, this isn't right" or "Wow I think I looked different during this time last competition".  But the fact is you are really comparing yourself to the stage ready person you were the day of the competition.  It's not a real or logical viewpoint.

It's amazing how quickly you can change your body if you put your mind to it.  The goal always looks so far away when you are struggling with body image.
According to, "With a negative body image, a woman has a distorted perception of her shape and size, compares her body to others, and feels shame and anxiety about her body. Being unhappy with your body can affect how you think and feel about yourself as a person. A poor body image can lead to emotional distress, low self-esteem, unhealthy dieting habits, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Developing a positive body image and a healthy mental attitude is crucial to a woman's happiness and wellness."
The hardest critic is really yourself.  While influenced by outside factors, it actually boils down to your own view of yourself. To put yourself in a good mindset is the most important thing to getting you to your goal.  Positive affirmations daily and a little bit of support go a long way.  Utilize your friends and family and most of all your own positive attitude to get you through these times.  The goal is not as far or unattainable as you are thinking right now.  If the goal is important to you; you WILL get there and you WILL succeed.

More on ideal body and body image

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sugar Cravings = Low Adrenal Function

Every wonder why you find you crave sugars or caffeine when you are stressed?

Stress interferes with the body's natural ability to regulate hormones.  Hormones secrete epinephrine (ie. adrenaline) which gives you the feeling of energy.  Additionally, food allergies and improper nutrition can lead to inflammation in your body.  The more inflammation the more stress is put to deplete your body's energy levels and thus creating more stress on your adrenals.  

To make a very long story short - your sugar cravings can actually be a product of low adrenal function.  Therefore a good option - decrease your stress levels and eat healthier and you will decrease your cravings that lead to further stress from consuming the food you didn't want to in the first place!

Learn more about stress
Unhealthy eating

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's normal to get in your routine!

9 Days out

Those Germans know how to get it done!!

"The large training volume appears to contribute not only to increased mass, but decreased body fat" (Hather, et al, 1992; Stone, O'Bryant, and Garhammer, 1981).
Early this week I started a new weight training program called "German Volume Training".  The general structure of these workouts is 10 sets of 5 reps at approximately 70% of my max.  Talk about intense!  It seems to allow me to lift a little bit more weight while still keeping my volume high (# of times I can lift the weight).  It's practically like cardio!   I've been noticing by about the 6th set I'm starting to feel a little out of breath and my body is literally getting hotter.  Enhanced thermogenics! 

Yesterday's workout AM:
10 minutes walking incline
10 minutes stationary bike

Yesterday's workout PM:
*All of these I completed with 10 sets at 5 reps.*
DB Lateral raise
Barbell shoulder shrugs
DB BO Rear delts (ie. bent-over reverse fly)
Barbell bicep curls (5 sets of 5)

Abs - hanging leg lifts (20), decline situps (2x25), weighted situps (arms extended 8lb DB - 3x12)

I'm feeling good today and was down a pound or so this morning. YIKES! 9 days to go.

*If you try this workout: post results to comments.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Desire to Achieve

"Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."

~Napoleon Hill~

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Every day is a new battle"

"We constantly have to struggle to be better than we were yesterday, to test and overcome the limits of our body, mind and spirit is what creates a true champion of life." more
While browsing today I found something that I've been struggling with daily.  "Every day is a new battle." It seems like daily I find something new to overcome, a new goal I want to push towards, a temptation that just won't go away, a reason to stop.   Obviously we do continue and we make every day count.  But what keeps us motivated?

For me it's been the inspiration from the people around me and the intrinsic value that the sport brings.  The belief that those around you believe that you can do it, you deserve to win and will do everything in their power to encourage you to perserver.  It's not my style to give up or give in.  I may break down in an emotional frenzy over one more pullup or a cupcake I just can't have.  But everyday I train I know it's worth it.  I believe in myself that I can be the best and need to train like the best. 

As my coach loves to remind me, every day there is someone out there training for 1st place.  Everyday there is someone out there that may want it more than me.  Don't give in.  Don't give up.  If you do, that person is right behind you ready to take what you want.  I don't say this in a bad way - just like in any sport -you slow down and someone behind you will try to dig deeper.  Be the one to dig deeper, be the one to keep taking it one day at a time.  Make yourself better with each stride, each rep, each exercise and you will get there - you get your time!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Healthy Options - Sure?!

Just about every morning like clockwork I get this craving to step inside a Starbucks, Peets, Tully's, etc. 

What makes me really want to go in there?  Am I really hungry?  Tired? Too much time?  Generally the answer is no.  For me, it's habit.  Despite the fact of knowing I really shouldn't go in and pay $3 for a black coffee, it's the buzz of those people going in and out of the doors.  They look so happy!

Carrying muffins, scones, blended beverages or lattes they just look so alive, energetic - coffee and food in hand.  But for me, everytime I walk into these places I'm tempted to get more than what I walked in for.  Yumm... look at those muffins, bagels, loafs...
So sometimes I give in to one of these "healthier" options with the thought it's lowfat it can't be that bad or look at those ingredients - it's doable. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Supplements 101

So I started out this morning at 4am.  Yea some may say, "Ok, that's normal for me" but I woke up to extreme stomach muscle cramps and queasiness.  I found out first hand the "most common" supplement leading to upset stomach, stomach cramps, nausea, etc.  Zinc on an empty stomach or perhaps too much of it.  So in the case that you are taking anything it's good to know:
"Some supplements like IP-6 and amino acids like arginine are best taken on an empty stomach so only water should be used with them but for most supplements, eating some protein and/or oil with them will increase their absorption by stimulating the liver to produce acid."  more info

Good to know right?! Sadly, I should have just read the label.  But of course when you are "dieting" you think all things may not apply to you...haha. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again. 

Moral of the story: Read the labels.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Typical dinner for me during competition time -

  • 4 oz chicken breast

  • 1 oz oven roasted brussel sprouts with olive oil and walnuts

  • handful of spinach

  • 1/4 avocado

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Competition Resume

"Train Hard, Fight Continously" ~ Michael Murphy
Past results:
  • April 2008 - Orange County Muscle Classic - 6th place

    August 2008 - Pacific USA Naturals - 3rd place
  • August 2009 - Pacific USA Naturals - 2nd place
  • March 2010 - MuscleContest 2010 - 2nd place

April 2008 - 6th place

March 2010 - MuscleContest - 2nd place

Upcoming shows:

April 2010 - Orange County Muscle Classic
July 2010 - USA Bodybuilding Figure and Bikini Nationals